Saturday, 17 March 2007

Prototype II - Questionaire Response (Goldfinger)

  1. The size of 'words' and menus was:
1. The size of 'words' and menus was:

a) Too large
b) A bit too large
c) Just fine
d) A bit too small
e) Too small

2. How easy was to recognize button icons on the screen:

a) I can see the buttons clearly
b) I sometimes confuse the buttons with the background
c) What buttons?

3. How easy were the menus to navigate:

a) Very easy
b) Moderately easy
c) Sometimes confusing
d) I could never find what i wanted

4. How easy was it to find a desired product:

a) Very easy
b) Moderately easy
c) Sometimes confusing
d) I could never find what i wanted

5. After selecting a product, the e-trolley directed you:

a) Very quickly to the item
b) Adequately to the item
c) In a long path to the item
d) I could never find what i wanted

6. The e-trolley display shows:

a) Way too much information
b) Too much information
c) Just the right amount
d) Not enough information
e) Very little information

7. The subtotal price of the products in the trolley so far is:

a) very useful
b) useful
c) not important
d) useless

8. How was your overall experience with the e-trolley?

a) I was very satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Disappointed
e) Very disappointed

9. Do you have any further comments?
I want to see all the items I have selected in a list when I'm in NAV mode

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