Sunday, 25 February 2007

Persona for Interactive Video Game - Alex

Emily James
  • Background
Emily is 10 years old and she lives with her family in Bristol. She has a brother who is 3 years older than her. Her father works as a managment consultant and her mother is a house-wife. She attends a Grammar School in Clifton. She is an above average student and especially keen on art. She generally enjoys school but she hates maths!

  • Interests and Activities
Emily wants to become a ballerina when she is older. She started ballet when she was four and she goes to classes once a week since then.

Other (hobbies)
Emily enjoys playing with her Barbie dolls. She also loves to play Super Mario Brothers and Tetris on her brother's Gameboy. She listens to her dad's favourite music (Rolling Stones, The Who, Simply Red, Kate Bush etc.) She has lots of friends who she often goes out to play with. They also like watching their favourite cartoons, on dvd, together.

  • Difficulties at home
Emily's brother always wants to watch Star Wars and never lets her watch the movies of her choice. He also doesn't let her play with his gameboy as much as she would want to.

  • Goals, fears and aspirations
Emily would love to become an air hostess since she likes travelling and going on holidays. She also loves choosing clothes and looking at fashion magazines; one of her dreams is that of becoming a well known fashion designer. What she fears the most is the dark.

  • Disabilities

  • Demographic attributes
Average, upper middle class

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